Sunday, January 30, 2011

ice skating

I took the kids ice skating  Im crazy!! thank goodness the Whatcott's and Grandma came too.  the kids had never been before but they caught on pretty quick : )  Cole loved it he was keeping up with Beau   Noah hugged the wall until  her felt really comfy  Eden tried soo hard to have fun  she did great  but she fell  and took me out in the process  then she was done  Ivey let me skate her around the ice a bunch and that was great  I switch kids with grandma  she would sit with one while I skated with one or two  It was a wonderful day  we had so much fun together  while we were there I was remembering when I used to take the Aviano kids to ice skating lessons  they had the sweetest teacher  she would take Noah and Colton for rides around the rink.
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