Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday cookies!!

So last week the Battraw's taught me something so ingenious! Baking cookies in your windshield during church! So your all set when you come out starving~ your before lunch snack! Well I couldn't wait to try it!! Here's Before
And after!! Perfectly window baked ~ beautiful!
Don't they look yummy!! So they did need to cook a little longer If we had been on time for church they would have been perfect! That will teach me!!
We want some cookies!!!
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Houston Family said...

I am totally going to try that! they look super yummy. How come I didn't get one?

Heather said...

What a great idea. I've gotta try it.

Kim and Matt said...

What?! This is the coolest thing I have ever heard of - cookies baked through a car window!